Wednesday, October 5, 2016

After Some Feedback

     Meeting with Debbie, Omar, and Dr. Zamora really helped me to see how this project is going to unfold. I have this feeling that I know exactly what it is I want the project to be, but whenever I have to explain it, there's confusion. My wife still wasn't aware of what I was doing until after Thursday's class, when everything started to take shape.

     I think if I were left on my own, it would have taken me ages (if ever) to get to the point I am right now. My wife has an understanding of what I'm doing and I have a lot of work. Dr. Zamora's advice has been invaluable. Step one- read. Read about anything I think I can use in my paper.

     I didn't think I'd be studying Freud as part of this project, but I am and it fits in perfectly with what I want to discuss. I've found a half dozen sources that can be useful, so I still need ten or so more. Then I need to arrange them into a structured lit review that will help direct the rest of this project.

     I'm excited to experience my group's projects as well. These creative pieces promise to show the imagination and invention we're capable of. I just have to keep repeating to myself something I've been saying since the beginning of the program: time management. It's easy to let things slip when we aren't meeting face to face on a weekly basis.

     Tiny rant to wrap up: what are all of these kids doing in Starbucks? We commented on how loud they are, but I watched baffling uses of time. One girl opened her school book, only to take out her phone and not glance at the book again. Is this studying? Others hang out in large packs and just laugh loudly, trying to let the rest of us know how great it must be to hang out with them. Sorry, my old man is showing.

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